Aykendu, 16 Monate alt.
Training for the 1st time in Slovenia.
Narnia, 12 Monate alt.
Hüten in Ungarn. Herding in Hungary.
Aykendu, 15 Monate alt.
Treiben & Outrun. Driving & Outrun.
Aykendu, 12 Monate alt.
Hüten in Slowenien. Herding in Slovenia.
Narnia, 10 Monate alt.
Hüten in Slowenien. Herding in Slovenia.
Aykendu, 12 Monate alt.
Hüten in Deutschland. Herding in Germany.
Narnia, 11 Monate alt.
Hüten in Ungarn. Überstellung der Herde. Herding in Hungary. Searching for the Main Flock.
Aykendu, 11 Monate alt.
1. Trial - 4. Platz (von 8, 2 Punkte hinter Platz 2!) .Ungarn.
1st Trial - 4th (out of 8 - only 2 points behind the 2nd!) - Hungary.
Jänner, 2020
Pfirsich - ein Trainingswochenende in Tschechien! Peaches - a trainingsweekend in Czech Rep.!
Dieses mal waren wir bei guten Freunden in Tschechien This time we were invited to a herding training from good
zum Hütetraining eingeladen - wir hatten enie tolle Zeit! friends in Czech Republic - and we had such a great time
Vielen Dank - wir freuen uns schon auf ein Wiedersehen! Thanks so much - we are looking forward to meet again!
start 1:02 - after getting used to the sheep, we were into kind of
innerflanks to prevent the sheep either running to me or the barn behind me.
after that, we tried to do Slalom in driving mode...
furthermore we started on shedding...
...and we tried to gain controll from the side...
November, 2019
13 Teilnehmer / 2. Platz Res. CACITR, Portelek 13 competitors, 2nd place, Res. CACITR, Portelek
October 2019
October 2018
Peaches Hütemomente aus Ungarn. Peaches - Herding-Moments in Hungary
Juni 2018
Peaches Hütetraining in Ungarn. Peaches herding training in Hungary.
Schwerpunkte: Outrun & Treiben. Focus on Outrun & drive away.
...und es gibt noch viiiiel zu tun, aber es ist ...it´s still a loooong way to go, but it´s
so schön, gemeinsame zu wachsen! so nice to increase together bit by bit!
Mai 2018
Peaches am Hüteseminar mit Peaches at the herding clinic with
Synve Lundgren & Johannes Weber. Synve Lundgren & Johannes Weber.
Ich arbeite hart daran nur verbale Kommandos zu geben, I am working hard in giving only verbal commands instead
anstatt verwirrender Handzeichen - und ertappe mich, wie of confusing hand signals. And figured out, that it is very
ich immer wieder in alte Muster zurückfalle!!! hard for me, not to fall back into old patterns!
April 2018
Peaches arbeitet Furche. Peaches. Boundary Work.
Kurz zur Erklärung: Furchenarbeit ist das Abgrenzen der Meaning: To keep the sheep away from other farmers fields!
Schafe, damit sie nicht ins fremde Feld laufen.
Zuerst habe ich mit Kommandos gearbeitet, aber schon First I started on working with commands, but only after a couple
nach ein paar Minuten hat Peaches verstanden, worum of minutes she figured out by herself, where the sheep are
es geht und begonnen selbstständig zu arbeiten! allowed/not allowed to be and worked on her own!
December 2017
22 months old. So far we are doing driving away the sheep.
December 2017
22 months old. That´s the Outrun she is capable of.
October 2017
20 months old. Different working types, with sheep they like to escape sometimes. :-)
Dezember 2016
10 1/2 months old. We start the Outrun training
Oktober 2016
Still some time to go until your next herding lesson, but eager to do something?
What about a funny training to teach the dog correct movement without the stress of sheep around :-)
Had some good time with Peaches (8 months old) - still a long way to go to perfect it, but hope you can figure out the meaning behind
September 2016
3rd Training Czech Rep.
Another day. Another place. Again another flock of sheep.
2nd Training Czech Rep.
1st Training Czech Rep.
1st training with foreign sheep.
1st time without roundpen. At my sheep at home
2nd Training in our Rounpen at home. Less barking.
Very first training. At home with my sheep.
2 months old Peaches - togehter with Jula her first sheep contact.