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Internationale Hundeausstellung in WELS
- V-1 Shepherd Calls Down Peaches
- V-2 Shepherd Calls Down Blue Summer
- V-1 Ulla Black Livie´s v.d. Silbermine
Junghundeturnier beim ÖRV Wöllersdorf
Wieder können wir voller Stolz von zwei guten Leistungen berichten! Beim Junghundeturnier des ÖRV Wöllersdorfs, durften wir in der Gästeklasse starten und hatten 8 lustige, abwechslungsreiche Aufgaben zu absolvieren, die unsere Mädels alle suverän meisternten! Am Ende des Turnieres gab es daher folgende Platzierung:
- 1. Platz: Peaches - 96 Punkte
- 2. Platz: Summer - 92 Punkte
Wir sind stolz auf die Leistungen unserer Mädels, die überall unerschrocken und voller Aufmerksamkeit mitgearbeitet haben!
Uns fehlen die Worte - wir sind einfach nur begeistert, was Du den beiden alles beigebracht hast
und natürlich auch ein ganz herzliches Dankeschön an
Ria Putzker von RP-Photography
für das wunderschön gemachte Video!!!
Saison beendet - Die ganzen Erfolge von Dexter auf einen Blick!!!
Am Ende des Jahres möchten wir euch die tollen Erfolge von Shepherd Calls Brilliant Dexter nicht vorenthalten, denn sie waren seinem Namen entsprechend einfach "brilliant"!!!
Dexter konnte die BGH-1 Prüfung bereits mit einer super Leistung, 94 Punkte (sehr gut) absolvieren - doch das ist lange noch nicht alles, denn danach begann für ihn gleich die Turniersaison:
1. Turnier: 95 Punkte (sehr gut) - 1. Platz !!!
2. Turnier: 97 Punkte (vorzüglich) - 1. Platz!!!
Landesmeisterschaft Steiermark: 98 Punkte (vorzüglich) - 2. Platz!!!
Wir sind ja so stolz auf diese tollen und vorallem auch so konstanten Leistungen und drücken euch die Daumen, dass es 2017 genauso weiter geht!!!
Vorschau - unser nächstes SC-Treffen!!!
Das war unsere 2-Tages-SC-Wanderung 2016!
ACHTUNG - unsere Wanderroute hat sich geändert!!!
September, 2016
Die Einzige, die es mit allen aufnehmen kann...
Wow - sie ist einfach großartig!!! Denn Drift kann es wirklich mit jedem aufnehmen!!! Egal ob Schafe, Kühe oder Enten - unsere taffe junge Lady zeigt viel Nervenstärke und Selbstbewusstsein - und damit kann sie wirklich jede Situation meistern!
Ich muss gestehen, dass wir seeehr stolz sind - und auch schon seeehr neugierig auf Drifts Zukunft!
September, 2016
Nichts kann sie aufhalten You can´t stop her!!!
Was für eine großartige Leistung!!! Wow - what a great job!
Lida hat ihre erste Rally Obedience Anwartschaft Lida earned her first leg in Rally Obedience
erfolgreich gemeistert und zugleich auch den and also won her class!
Bewerb gewonnen!!!
Wir sind soooo stolz auf euch - bitte macht weiter so!!! We are soooo proud of you - keep going ot this great work!!!
August 2016
Grat successes for Bella & April!
Rally Obedience class 1 in Münchendorf: 82 points mark "very good"
Beardie Working Test in Jihlava, Richterin Mrs. King (GB):
- Highest Level - Senior Test: 94 points (out of 100)!!!
- Primary Test : 97 points
- Junior Test: 99 points
- Intermediate Test: 96 points
- Senior Test: 96 points
We are very proud of our great girls!
August 2016
I am stunned - little Elsa with her Puppy Class Graduation Video!!!
Absolutely great what she is already able to do! So pls vote for her below!
Big congratulation to Elsa and her Mom & teacher Jasmin!!!
BITTE hier für das Video voten!!!
July 2016
Beardie Working Test, Jihlava / Czech Republic
Big Congratiulation to Bella & April - our succesful girls at the Beardie Working Test in Jihlava!!!
Bella was the only one who was able to start in the highest class (4) and finished her work with 94 out of 100 points!!!
April did the examination levels 1-3 - all of them really, really great: 97, 99, 96 points!
There where 12 starters only April and another dog were able to finish three classes in a row!
We are so proud of our giftet girls!
Thanks goes also to the organisation - who was done, as always, great! And to our judge Mrs. Frances Chapman-King/UK who judged every dog fair and in the same manner.
[unfortunately we have no pictures - those were done at another competition!]
June 2016
Unser mutige Drift am Hütcamp Brave Drift!!!
Drift doing very well at the cow- and sheepherding camp!
June 2016
Our annual SC-trip: animal world Herberstein!
...we had a good time together with our Beardies at the animal world in Herberstein!
June 2016
Prepared for the summer to come!!!
Well, if you live at the seaside it is a must to do some watersport! Sky starts his stand-up-paddling carrier!
April 2016
Sportive Event for our Racing-Beardie-Team.
Thanks goes to Petra Loibner, who organized everything and send us this great photos!
Shepherd Calls Down Peaches / Ulla Black Livie´s v.d. Silbermine / Shepherd Calls Brilliant Barney / Shepherd Calls Away Maja.
Jula. Winner of the Oldie-class, only less then 0.5 sec. behind the starters from the "open class"!
Barney. Running like hell! 2nd place - time: 7.62 sek.
Maja. Full steam ahead! 1st place - time: 7.43 Sek.
Peaches. Approx. 15 sekunds later she is also over the finish line! Little time out for the photographer! Of course!
Little Break.
Award Ceremony.
April 2016
Our new whole 'Shepherd Calls' Family!!!!
April 2016
Our Agility Star!!!
We are so proud ouf our pretty girl Lida!
She was able to finish her titles: Novice Agility Jumper (NA), Novice Jumps with Weaves (NAJ) and Novice Fast (NF)!
Furthermore she got her herding instinct certificate (HIC)!
Please keep on doing this great work! The two of you are such a great team and it is always a pleasure to hear from your great successes!!!
March 2016
6th week
1st walk in the woods, next to the shooting range.
The puppies had so much fun in their new environment -
none of them showed any signs of beeing gun-shy!
6th week
Happy Easter, wishes your Shepherd-Calls Family!
Feburary 2016
What an exciting day - Bella´s pups were delivered...
more puppy news: "here"
...expect to have more photos online tomorrow!!!
Feburary 2016
Mama = OMA!!!
Just received again some great news!!! Bella will not only get Mom, but also Grandma for the 3rd time!!!
Another of our girls - this time Shepherd Calls Brilliant SLY will give birth for the 1st time!!!
She will be the founder of the German Beardie Kennel "Jingle-Jangle-Brilliant"!!!
Congratulations - we are so happy!!!
Feburary 2016
While the waiting for the Babies is nearly done...
...Bella's daughter April has shown a great performance at Obedience, class 2! Again she got he mark "excellent"
Feburary 2016
Who is Shepherd Calls Down Emily?
...we can not answer this question yet, because there are still a few days left till Bella will give birth to her babies. But what we already know is, that she will going to live at a great home, with a family who loves her deeply and has her "nursery-room" already done. Also her cuddle toy Pluto is waiting for her and longing for some snuggling moments, because the basket is much to big for him alone!
Jannuary, 2016
Winter all over the world!!!
...in less than 2 weeks we expect the birth of our litter "D"
But at the moment, Bella has much more fun to run with the other Beardies and enjoy the snow!
Rosa. April. Bella. Jula.
Jannuary 2016
Yippie!!! Bella is pregnant!!!
We are so happy to announce, that we will get sweet Beardie-puppies from Bella around 07th of February 2016!!!
We hope also this time will work everything out just fine!
sampel photo
Our 1. Shepherd Calls & Friends meeting 2016!!!